Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Don't say you love me unless forever

Don't say you love me unless forever
Segunda-feira, dores de estômago, falta de dinheiro, dores de cabeça, sensação de inutilidade absoluta. Preciso falar mais que isso??
[The Corrs] Don't say you love me.
Bula de remédio.

Saturday, August 14, 2004

Nada sei dessa vida
"E vivo sem saber." Ô frasesinha que me persegue. E não deixa de ser verdade.
Sexta-feira 13 de Agosto de ano bissexto. Até estava sendo um dia bacana mas tornou-se estranho, no final, mais uma sexta-feira no calendário.
Estou me sentindo completamente estranha, estou mto enjoada e, além da parte física, algo estranho que não consigo saber o que é. E pensamentos do tipo "you'll never gonna make it" não param de saltar na minha cabeça assim, sem noção nenhuma.
Para evitar maiores problemas: banho-dorflex-cama. Espero estar melhor amanhã.
[Dan Brown] The Da Vinci Code.

Monday, August 09, 2004


Eu detesto domingo.
[Aina - Days of Rising Doom] Serendipity.
[Dan Brown] The Da Vinci Code.

Friday, August 06, 2004

There and back again.

There and back again.
Not a Hobbit's tale but here I am. After a full week and weekend too (yes, i have to admit that i forgot about this blog for a while), I'm here, eating "Glico Snack" with bbq, drinking orange juice and writing. I was watching "Cold Mountain" and it's my snack time, coz my stomach started to scream for something. Hehehe.
Ok, now you ask me why in english. Dunno. I'm in the mood. Yeah, can be it. I had a strange day, strange dreams, strange situations. And it's kinda strange to be here too 'coz I'm tired, a little bit sleepy and I have no idea about what more I could write. And I have to finish watching the movie. So, about me, I'm fine, feeling kinda strange but good, and, yes, I got the point with myself: I'm really in love again. No doubts about it anymore. I had my proofs. C'est la vie, c'est l'amour.
Well, let me back to the sofa. I really don't have more to say... Lazy mode ON, maybe. Anyway, have a great weekend for you all. Cya. :*****
[Nightwish] Ocean Soul.
The same book from the last post.

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  • I'm Shirley Ann
  • From SP
  • Here is where I write

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